The Rüthen push chair

The Schandkorb or cage (also Schubstuhl) was a means by which a punishment of honor was enforced in the late Middle Ages and early modern times.

The former hospital "Maria vom Stein" (until 1976) was a rest and retirement home for the Sisters of the Order of St. Vincent de Paul until 2012. On the square in front of the building, in the jubilee year of the town (2000), a so-called push chair was reconstructed by craftsmen from Rüthen. In such a shame cage in the 16th and 17th century offenders were put to the "show".

The 'Rüthen thrusting chair' is a hanging cage, which served until the 19th century as a 'shame cage' or pillory to expose offenders convicted of petty offenses - similar to the pillory - to the ridicule of their fellow citizens. The latter showed their contempt by making the thrusting chair rock with powerful jolts.