Newspaper publisher Der Patriot GmbH

Specialized trade

Rüthen Tourismus / Outdooractive POI / Newspaper publisher Der Patriot GmbH

The Patriot-a daily newspaper with tradition.


Newspaper publisher Der Patriot GmbH

Hochstraße 24

59602 Rüthen

Telefon: 02952/79900-90

Fax: 02952/79900-95



Der Patriot is a daily newspaper in Lippstadt, Geseke, Erwitte, Anröchte and Rüthen.

The first issue of the newspaper appeared in 1848 and is published by the newspaper publisher Der Patriot GmbH, based in Lippstadt, a company with around 100 employees.

At the beginning of the Patriot's long history, there was a somewhat long-winded announcement: "In order to meet the wishes that have already been voiced from many sides, the undersigned intends to present its readers with a twice-weekly newspaper in the format of this Prospectus, in which the latest political events are given in a concise but clear overview. Thus proclaimed the first Patriot issue, which appeared in Lippstadt on October 7 in the revolutionary year of 1848. The publisher of the "Wochenschrift für Stadt und Land" was the 29-year-old printer Carl Weinert.

From the small beginnings of the newspaper founder, a modern media house has emerged that looks back with pride on the past and at the same time faces the new challenges of the present and the future.

The Patriot's "home" is in the district of Soest - between Münsterland, East Westphalia, Sauerland and Haarstrang. It is primarily there, in Lippstadt, Geseke, Erwitte, Anröchte and Rüthen, that we are at work for our readers. Where they live, where they work or celebrate, that's where the Patriot is made. Every day. And always in an effort to credibly, convincingly and seriously "get across" what is happening in our region.

Through its diverse reporting - on local politics, club life, sports, culture and the local economy - the Patriot aims to strengthen awareness of home and origin, while at the same time looking out into the country and the wider world.

The headquarters of the media company, which has been family-owned since its founding, is in Lippstadt. The heart of the newspaper beats in the industrial park at the water tower - with management, editorial office, newspaper technology, sales and the commercial departments. Other domiciles are the Pressehaus am Markt and the branch offices in Geseke, Rüthen and Erwitte.

As a modern media company, the Patriot also uses the Internet as a means of communication and information. At, the latest news, the complete edition of the newspaper (e-paper) and much more is offered.

"Six days a week, the newspaper is published - printed on paper at the Hamm-Rhynern printing center or digitally on the e-paper with a total circulation of 22,500 copies. And with it, exciting reports, up-to-the-minute news, entertaining reports, background stories and commentaries, with which the Patriot has its say, always oriented to the company's guiding principle: always close to the reader..."

( Infotext Der Patriot)

Main opening times:

Day From Until From Until
Monday 08:30 12:30
Tuesday 08:30 12:30
Wednesday 08:30 12:30 15:00 17:00
Friday 08:30 12:30
Saturday 09:30 11:30


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