Lörmecketal - nature discovery trail between Warstein and Rüthen

Rüthen Tourismus / Outdooractive Touren / Lörmecketal - nature discovery trail between Warstein and Rüthen
The Lörmecketal valley combines different habitats such as rugged limestone cliffs, old forests and meager Weide. The latter are now grazed by goats according to the old model.

Tour starting point:

Hiking park "Hohler Stein

Tour destination point:

Hiking park "Hohler Stein


  • geological highlights
  • Fauna
  • Round trip
  • cultural / historical
  • Flora

Additional Information

On a prominent hilltop to the east of the Lörmecketal lies the village of Kallenhardt with its well worth seeing fortified village center and the informative theme trail "Tour of Kallenhardt".
In the nearby valley of the Glenne stands the baroque Wasserschloss Körtlinghausen in the midst of a beautiful, horticulturally designed landscape.


7.7 km


2:00 Std.

Elevation ascent

82 m

Elevation descent

82 m

Lowest point

325 m

Highest point

379 m





Recommended seasons

The Lörmecketal owes its present character to the special geological conditions and the historical forms of utilization. The extensive limestone deposits were hollowed out by the lime-dissolving water of the stream until the fissure and cave system collapsed over a longer distance. The collapse valley in the area of the "Hoher Stein" is particularly impressively formed. The cultural cave "Hohler Stein" also testifies to the power of the Lörmecke water.

The lower Lörmecke is a valley with two faces. On the western side of the valley old, stately deciduous forests grow, consisting mainly of beech trees. The wooded areas on the eastern side of the valley, on the other hand, are younger: less than 100 years ago, the slopes were free of forest, and the goats of the nearby village of Kallenhardt grazed here. At the "Hoher Stein" a particularly beautiful section of this historically grown cultural landscape has been preserved. The Buchenwalds are at their most beautiful in spring, when hollow larkspur, yellow anemone and other spring bloomers are in bloom. The grazed slopes of the Hoher Stein shine in the colors of countless flowers of the drift plants in spring and summer. Several species of orchids are also found here.

Parking lot
Natural treasures of the Lörmecketal valley
Natural resources running waters in the low mountain range
Natural resources Lörmecke goat grazing
Natural treasures orchids
Natural treasures Lörmecke collapse valley
Hoher Stein

The "Hoher Stein" is a limestone rock with a scree slope below.

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Naturschätze Laubwald
Naturschätze Frühblüher



Several hiking trails lead through the lower Lörmecketal. A section of the recommended themed hiking trail"Fließwege" (signage blue W on white background) also runs through the valley. At the level of the limestone quarries, you can return to the Lörmecke and from there continue north along the spur trail to the old beech forests.

Getting there

From the L 776 between Rüthen and Nuttlar, turn south of the village of Kallenhardt in the direction of "Rabennest". From there, the path to the Hohler Stein hikers' parking lot is signposted.Address for navigation: no informationGPS (UTM): 32 U 458927, 5698454Google coordinates: 51.435936, 8.409235


Hiker parking lot "Hohler Stein